Thursday, February 28, 2008

An Open Letter To Michael Ball and Rock Racing:

Dear Rock Racing et al,

Congratulations to Michael Ball's Rock & Republic PR machine. Their focused "PR" efforts on the world cycling community is burning up the web and every cycling-related website and publication is getting taken along for the ride. As we all know, December and January are the slowest times of the year for the sport after the rush of the fall shows and national and international cyclocross races. Ball obviously had this pointed out to him and the PR machine is looking for every avenue to get press and drive up product sales through this season.

It is obvious that Ball doesn't have any knowledge of the sport or long-term vision. From realizing outspoken characters like John Wordin (Mercury/Viatel) may push the sport forward in leaps and bounds, they ultimately implode. Just last year, Toyota United's Sean Tucker deep-sixed his United bicycle program in favor of a relationship with Fuji. Scott Montgomery was and still is a great resource and sponsor from grass-roots to professional at Cannondale, now Scott. Steve Hed is a well-respected individual within the endurance sport community and a long-time supporter of our local athletes and events. It was unfortunate to see him smeared by an unfortunate relationship with Ball.

Aside of all of the egos, it has been fun to read, so bring on the popcorn and let the Ball continue to roll. Let's just hope there is something left of the sport after the wrecking Ball is over.


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