Friday, October 10, 2008


I'll be presenting the keynote "IBD for Dummies: Perspective From a Dummy." Basically, it is asking what is IBD to the uninformed (moi)? Honestly it is no different than any other health issue out there, whether cancer, heart disease, diabetes - it is important to talk about the disease, treatment, coping and connecting.

Also, I'll be talking with youth & teens about "If You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It." It is a quote from Yogi Berra, but says a lot about Crohn's and Colitis. What did Crohn's and Colitis take from you? What did it give to you? I contend it gives people a voice - something to talk about and help spread information and acceptance within the community.

In other news, I've started physical therapy for my quadricep and IT band pain. Looks like some lack of stretching is coming back to haunt me. Oops.

Learn more at the CCFA Iowa website

1 comment:

bikelovejones said...

Hi. I just found your blog and hope to reach you through this response.
46 y/o with Crohn's, lifelong bike commuter, dabbld in randonnering but found that the distances are just too long for my body to handle even with training.
This year I am trying something new -- short track XC this summer and MAYBE some 'cross in the fall. Lots of bikey pals, NO pals with Crohn's. I would welcome any thoughts and resources you can share -- I get tired now and then of working at this all alone. Thanks --Beth H. in PDX (cross capital of america)