Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fixie Commuting This Fall

I've had a good time relaxing and not riding my bike because I have to, but because I want to. I've decided that bike racing is not something I care much for anymore, so may as well do what I enjoy. This year I've tried a few new things...
  1. Bagged It - Rode 150 miles in 24 hours with a fully-loaded touring cyclocross rig. RAGBY with Kent Carlson, Sam Lopez and Ryan Hanser was wicked. I forgot I could have so much fun riding so slow. Definitely in the gameplan for next year.
  2. Fixed It - I still need to punch Andy Lueke in the face, but I guess I can let bygones be past at this point. Despite the fact riding a fixie takes talent and finesse, both of which I'm lacking, I've gotten pretty good at it. Charlie Wittmack gave me the pointers on a good kickstop and I could barely walk a day later from sore hips and hammies. This is definitely my fave mode for cruising around town now.
  3. Ride As One - Three of my bikes are now 1x1. It's a choice of equipment, not a bike racing category.
Definitely adopting my new mantra for the rest of the year... exbikeracer

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